Monday, June 8, 2015
Wild strawberry jam / Marmelada iz gozdnih jagod
It has been about a year since I've moved into the house where I'm currently living (yes, this is the house by the woods in the blog title :)). One of my first projects, next to the herbal garden (you will be able to read about it in one of my next posts) was part of a house garden, that was reserved for wild strawberries.
Yes, there was no misspelling up there: wild strawberries! I'm a huge fan of strawberries especially the wild variety and why should I just pick them in the forest, when I can have them planted in my own garden? And so I used pebbles to limit two smaller living spaces for wild strawberries and started to plant them.
A year later I'm happy to report that the decision has turned out to be the right one. Wild strawberries are very grateful plants, that need absolutely no maintenance and have given me some delicious fruits.
Actually, because there were so many of them, I've decided to make 100% wild strawberry jam.
Of course there is not much of it, but it's so fragrant and delicious and tastes amazing spreaded over bread for breakfast.
Part of the woods on a plate, yummy!
Wild strawberry jam recipe:
What you'll need:
- 1700g of wild strawberries
- 350g of sugar
- 1 x Dr Oetker Gelfix super
- 2 packs of vanilla sugar
- 1x lemon
Wild strawberries should be cleaned of any parts and bugs, but not washed. Add sugar, Gelfix, two spoons of regular sugar and both packs of vanilla sugar. Put the mixture in a pot, heat, mix and mash (to taste - I leave a lot of strawberries in one piece). Add the rest of the sugar and heat it up to 100°C and stir for 3 minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat, whist in the juice of one lemon and fill up the jars. Wrap the jars with jam in a blanket, so that they cool down slowly.
Happy cooking!
Recipe adapted from: 220stopinjposevno
Približno eno leto je minilo, dokar sem se vselila v hišo, kjer trenutno živim (ja, to je ta hiša ob gozdu v naslovu bloga :)). Eden mojih prvih projektov, poleg zeliščnega vrta (ki ga bo moč videti v eni od prihodnijh objav) je bil delček hišnega vrta, namenjen goznim jagodam.
Da, prav ste prebrali: gozdnim jagodam! Sem namreč velika oboževalka jagod, sploh gozdnih in zakaj bi jih nabirala samo v gozdu, če jih imam lahko tudi na svojem vrtu? Tako sem s prodniki zagradila dva manjša dela vrta in tako omejila prostor jagodam, ter začela s sajenjem.
Leto dni kasneje lahko z veseljem potrdim, da se je odločitev izkazala za pravo, saj so gozdne jagode zelo hvaležne rastline, ki praktično ne potrebujejo nege, obdarile pa so me s slastnimi plodovi.
Ker jih je bilo toliko, da nisem vedela kam z njimi, sem skuhala marmelado iz 100% gozdnih jagod.
Seveda je ni veliko, je pa dišeča in zelo okusna, prava delikatesa, čudovito se prileže na kruhu za zajtrk.
Delček gozda na krožniku, njami!
Recept za marmelado iz gozdnih jagod:
- 1700g gozdnih jagod
- 350g sladkorja
- 1x Dr Oetker Džemfix
- 2x vanilin sladkor
- 1x limona
Gozdne jagode očistimo smeti in žuželk, vendar jih ne peremo. Pretresemo jih v posodo, dodamo Džemfix, dve žlici sladkorja in vanilin sladkor. Mešanico segrevamo in pretlačimo (po okusu, jaz pustim kar nekaj jagod celih). Nato dodamo preostali sladkor in segrejemo do 100°C, kjer mešamo 3min. Mešanico odstavimo z ognja, vmešamo sok ene limone in napolnimo kozarčke za vlaganja. Kozarčke zavijemo v odejo, da se počasi ohladijo.
Pa veselo kuhanje!
Recept povzet in prilagojen po: 220stopinjposevno
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