Hello all who have intentionally or by accident stumbled upon this blog.
everything goes as planned you'll be able to read an easy-going
lifestyle blog of a student, which happens to have a bit too much time
on her hands during her final year of studies.
All that extra time is spent
gardening and making simple
on-budget house DIY.
From time to time I also wonder on the wast internet and usually I find
stuff that I find interesting. I'll share those things with you as well. :)
Happy reading and following,
Pozdravljeni vsi, ki ste po naključju ali pa namenoma obiskali tale blog.
kolikor bo šlo vse po načrtih, boste na tem mestu lahko brali lahkoten
lifestyle blog študentke, ki ima v času absolventa pač malo preveč časa,
ki ga zato posveti vrtnarjenju in cenovno ugodnim, naredi-sam, preprostim rešitvam v hiši.
Včasih tuda malo zajdaram po internetu in najdem kakšno zanimivo zadevo, ki jo bom tudi delila z vami. :)
Upam, da boste uživali v branju,