Friday, May 15, 2015

Plant hangers / Viseči lonci za rože

I've been looking for these for quite a while now. Found them all on Etsy. :D
Now I only have decide if I'm going to buy one or make one by myself.

Že nekaj časa jih iščem, našla pa sem jih seveda na Etsyju. :D
Ali ga bom kupila ali naredila sama, se pa še nisem odločila.

Vir / source: Gaatwel

Vir / source:  vintagerussia

Vir / source:  MangoAndMore

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hello world! / Pozdravljen svet!

Hello all who have intentionally or by accident stumbled upon this blog.
If everything goes as planned you'll be able to read an easy-going lifestyle blog of a student, which happens to have a bit too much time on her hands during her final year of studies.
All that extra time is spent gardening and making simple on-budget house DIY.
From time to time I also wonder on the wast internet and usually I find stuff that I find interesting. I'll share those things with you as well. :)

Happy reading and following,

Pozdravljeni vsi, ki ste po naključju ali pa namenoma obiskali tale blog.
V kolikor bo šlo vse po načrtih, boste na tem mestu lahko brali lahkoten lifestyle blog študentke, ki ima v času absolventa pač malo preveč časa, ki ga zato posveti vrtnarjenju in cenovno ugodnim, naredi-sam, preprostim rešitvam v hiši.
Včasih tuda malo zajdaram po internetu in najdem kakšno zanimivo zadevo, ki jo bom tudi delila z vami. :)

Upam, da boste uživali v branju,

 Avtor / Author: Mae Chevrette